Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Nebraskans don't have to parent any more.

When I read this I thought “My RSS feeder is screwing up. It put an Onion article in the Fox News folder. So I clicked on the link and was absolutely horrified to find out that the article was absolutely serious. Nebraska has a law similar to a lot of other states in which you can drop off a baby that you as a parent cannot care for. This law, in most states, is meant to encourage mostly young and stupid new mothers to not kill their babies and dump them in a trash can, but instead place them at a place that will care for them and make them available to a loving family that wishes to adopt that child.

But then I read this article on the law in Nebraska that apparently allows you to drop off a child of any age. As I said above, I thought it was a joke. I saw the headline and funny one lines started appearing in my head. “I wonder if the hospital helps with homework, if so can I get a frequent abandoner card?” But in this case mothers are actually dropping off teenagers and leaving them for the state to deal with.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want the poor child to have to deal with a parent that doesn’t want them. However I am extremely offended that the State of Nebraska allows parents to do this without consequences. That child is toast. She will never be the same. The odds that this child will be a successful contributor to society as an adult is very slim. We can only hope and pray that some couple is out there that will adopt an older child and all of the emotional baggage that comes with them. But those are all things that would happen even if the parent is held accountable. But what is different about this law is that the parent is protected from consequences of being a shitty parent. These parents need to be held accountable. Thankfully, the Nebraska Legislator is taking up the issue and will likely add an age limit to the law.

The sad thing is that these parents will likely want their child back and the state will likely give them back. I have said it many times, if all parents had to go through the vetting and BS that we had to go through before adopting, the world would be a better place.

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