Monday, October 24, 2005

Fishing Hats are Weird

I have never been one to follow trends. In fact, my youth could best be characterized as one failed attempt after another to start trends. I guess I thought I was more popular than I was. I’m still traumatized by the attempt to bring floppy fishing hats into style back in junior high. I did get that one kid to wear one with me, but since he was that one kid that everyone refers to as “that one kid”, it didn’t take. At any rate, I guess I’m following a trend now by writing this blog. I do so at the encouragement of my friends, which should tell you what kind of friends I have. I guess they think my life experiences have something to offer the rest of the world wide world, but most likely they don’t want to be the only one wearing a floppy fishing hat.

I can’t promise much from this, I really have no plan at all. Just seemed like something to do while I’m on the road or sitting on an airplane, which I do a lot. I do have a lot of thoughts on a lot of things. Some serious, but mostly not. Not anymore anyway. So we will see where this goes.

Now if I can just get Word to stop telling me that there are sentence fragments… I did consider revising, but I couldn’t be bothered.

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