Saturday, July 05, 2008

The Baron von Raschke

Wabasha's favorite son?

While enjoying a 4th of July concert Under the Bridge in Wabasha we ran into one of Glenda's childhood heroes, The Baron von Raschke. The Baron was a famous wrestler from the 7o's and 80's who was know for "The Claw" (that is what The Baron and Kyle are showing you in the picture). The Baron was among the top in the world of professional wrestling for many years and even played Madison Square Garden to a sold out crowed.
Glenda was taken back to her youth and giggled like a school girl when she met him. It brought back very fond memories of watching the Baron battle it out with the likes of Andre the Giant and The Crusher with her dad on Sunday mornings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahah nice!! pretty much the picture that should go out in the Christmas cards this year