Thursday, March 13, 2008

News Flash: Obama is Black

 Well, it finally happened on the main stage. It was really only a matter of time before it did. Geraldine Ferraro made a comment that Barack Obama is the Democratic front runner because he is black.


This is the point where you are wonder which way I’m going to flop on this debate.


Wait no longer.


She is right.


Now before you go off calling me a racist think about it. He is the 46 year old junior senator from Illinois elected just 3 years ago. He is a prolific speaker and in fact gave the rousing speech at the DNC in 2004 which placed him on the main stage of American politics. He has very little experience and in my opinion hasn’t really offered much in the way of what he would actually do if elected… other than change things. So why is he wildly popular? Because he is fresh, young, and not seen as an old established politician. A huge part of that is due to the fact that he is black. Ask yourself if all things were equal except the color of his skin would he be the likely nominee?   


Now, all that being said, I don’t think this is a bad thing and I certainly don’t think that Ferraro is a racist because she said it. It is no less true that Hillary is where she is today because she happened to be married to Bill. It is no less true that W is in the white house because he is the son of GHWB. It is no less true that a big part of the reason McCain is where he is today because he was a POW. We all use our strengths to advance ourselves and our cause. Obama does and should use the strength of the color of his skin. I am just glad that society has finally reached a point that being black is considered a strength.  At least for some and as it looks now, enough to get him the nomination.




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