Friday, July 20, 2007

Something Special In The Air

I know I have written about this in the past, but this whole travel thing needs to be reworked. As you know I work for an airline so my customers, who are as demanding as all customers, expect you to be wherever at the drop of a hat. Take today for instance, I went to Los Angles for a 45 minute meeting. I was up at 04:30 this morning to catch a 06:45 flight. A 45 minute meeting then back to the airport for the flight home that gets me in at 19:00. Now I could have stayed overnight, but to be honest I just can’t stand the thought of another hotel bed not to mention another night away from the family. “But Terrill, don’t you get upgraded?” Yes, when pigs fly. To be fair, I have been lucky with the over seas trips and have been upgraded most of the time, but domestically… no f*&#ing way. Even though I travel enough to be triple platinum gold sapphire diamond, I don’t get miles so back with the working class I go. But the worse thing about it is that my company expects me to save seats for the paying passengers so they don’t allow me to book my flight more than 7 days in advance and then even then I can only book in a class that is just above the class they allow virgin flyers and convicted felons to book in. So even though I may know I absolutely have to be somewhere 3 months in advanced, I never know if I can actually get a flight. If, at the last second, a seat does not materialize that is likely in the middle of the last row or actually in the john I then am expected to beg the president of Cargo to grant me a seat if and only if he deems my trip worthy. That is a bit unfair to my Pres, because he is a great guy, but really should I have to bother an officer of a Fortune 100 company for a seat on a plane that we own? As much traveling as I do I should have my name tattooed on a first class seat.

Enough for this rant. I’m sure there are those of you out there that think I am way off base and would love to travel like I do. To you, I wish you never have the need to think otherwise.

1 comment:

Klobetime said...

Sounds rough. But then, sitting with the virgin flyers could be interesting at times! And if you get in trouble, well, just blame those pesky convicted felons. :)