Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Back to my ranting roots

Greetings from 32,000 feet over Indiana, on my way to Chicago. It’s been a while since I have been off on a rant and since the name of the blog is Delusional Rants from Inside the Beautiful Tornado (which I still need to explain) I guess it is that time to rant, delusional or not. (That was a really long sentence… I’m sure my professors would not have approved, but since they are most likely members of those in which I am about to rant, screw ‘em.)

It has been a full week since elections and we now know that the Democrats now have control of Congress. I have been wrestling with the decision if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Now before you go off thinking I have abandoned my conservative roots hear me out, or in this case read me out.

I was asked last night by a friend what I thought the voters wanted. This was a good question because for the most part I don’t believe half the idiots that have the birth right of voting in this country deserve it. It is only by the graciousness of Darwinism that most of them have no clue that there was even an election and the less than 30% turn out proves that. So those that did have a clue or was brainwashed into voting one way verses the other wanted something. Most of the talking heads on the tube that think we are too stupid to think for ourselves (and for at least 70% of us they are right) think it was a referendum on the war. Paluse (I need to check the spelling of her name, but I’m not sure she is worth it) (OK, that was a shot, but it felt good) (OK, she will be the Speaker and deserves the respect of the peoples and I should at least give her the courtesy that she does not give the President) (But I won’t ) and her gang seem to think that way too and will end up doing something stupid that will just end up loosing all the progress we have made over there and get even more of our men and women killed before we get them out. I need to go more into the war in another rant, but for now I don’t really think that is what motivated most voters. Don’t send me emails and tell me that is what motivated you, I said MOST voters, I know there are plenty of liberals out there that can only consider one issue at a time and that was the one that decided their vote.

On the other side of the dial the talking heads of the conservative radio seem to think it was a message to the Republican party saying they are too liberal right now and that the conservative base either stayed home (doubtful) or that the actual smart folks out there that vote what the believe and don’t worry about parties or labels voted for the conservative democrats. They point out that most of the freshman dems just elected are of the right side of the left. This seems plausible, but I don’t think it is a message that the Pubs are too liberal. If this were the case why on earth would they vote for anyone left of center, even if they are just barely left?

There is another friend of mine that thinks he liberal (he really isn’t, and he hates when I tell him that) that says it was a vote against incumbents. He is not the only one I have heard that from, but I don’t really think that is what it is either. As I said I think that the majority of the people that actually vote have enough intelligence to see through the argument that we should just vote people out just to freshen up the place. If you actually vote for people to represent your area and therefore your interest you want them in power as long as possible so that they gain more power in Congress, sitting or chairing the important committees, and give more stuff to your area which in turns improves your life. The only reason you would vote them out is if they stop representing your interest…

Holy crap Mr. Smith, did you catch that. People would actually vote someone out not because they are conservative or liberal, for or against one single issue, or just because they are there, but because they actually stopped or never did the things that they said they would. This is not my original idea, if it were it would not be the reason most of the smart people voted out the folks in Washington. It is however common sense and I wonder why I don’t hear many of the talking heads saying it. OK, I don’t really wonder that, they are idiots. But it is really that simple and I hope the newly elected folks realize this. You will be fired if you are hired to do a job and don’t do it. Strange… that is exactly the way it is supposed to work. Amazing.

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